Track and manage everything about your customers: demographics, license and insurance information, current vehicles, interests, deal sheets, bills of sale, compares, test drives and trade ins. Attach a photo of their drivers license or other identification for your records. Add customers to an email campaign and track its progress as they read and click on the links within the email.
Track daily sales tasks one day at a time. View the calendar of what's on your plate to-do for today. Mark daily task off as they are completed. Create personal events as well as dealership wide events. Subscribe to your calendars on your mobile phone and other devices.
Easily create professional looking email campaigns. Drag and drop sections onto the email. Edit headlines and stylized text, upload images, add a gallery or map. Add a gallery of featured vehicles into the email showing vehicle details, pricing and discount information.
Monitor the activity of your campaign. Displays customers on the map with icons indicating the status of their emails. Tracks when email has been delivered, when customer has read his/her email and when and what buttons they clicked on.
Preview your email campaign before sending to get a good idea of how they will look for the customer.
Thanks to Dealer Gears tracking customer correspondence is a breeze. Organizes email messages that have been sent by sales personnel by customer. View and reply to any email that has been sent to a customer: Bill of Sale, Deal Sheet, Campaign Email, Automated Email Thank You letters, Service Emails and more.
Setup vehicle delivery reminders for your daily calendar. Create reminders for sales to follow up with clients that have not completed a sale. Notify sales that it is the one year anniversary of John's BMW purchase or send him and automated thank you email with service reminder. Automatically send customers who have recently purchased a vehicle a thank you email.